
Sunglasses Always Fit

no hurries, no worries

good morning, vietnam

After ten years of living abroad, I have finally cracked the jetlag code - the key is to just go immediately on vacation! It’s that simple, folks. Here’s how I did it - I flew from SFO to HKG, which... Continue Reading →

Home: noun; whenever I’m with you.

The end of a school year is always bittersweet - saying goodbye to colleagues moving on or away, cleaning out classrooms, changing year groups. It’s especially challenging when you teach in an international school and city because people - both... Continue Reading →

Why don’t mummies take vacations?

One of the many things I like about a tour is the group think. While I do love the thrill of researching and planning and organizing myself (and sometimes others) for a good tour about a country, there is something... Continue Reading →

the end of the (school) year as we know it

on teaching first grade (never again!), being a spinster, auntie life, good friends.

thirty-fine – the birthday blog :)

Lots of people do round-ups for New Year's Eve, but a few years ago I started marking each actual year of my life, answering these same set of questions each birthday to help me measure moments. Here are the last... Continue Reading →

What do you call a camel reading Shakespeare?

“Habibi - for you, special price, almost free. Look, I give you these earrings. Make myself. Are you married? I can marry! I nice Egyptian man for you.” His name was (shocker) Mohammed and he was one of the many... Continue Reading →

ch-ch-ch-Chiang Mai

After our epic week in Laos, Corli and I flew to meet her husband and a few friends of ours in Thailand to spend the Christmas holidays together, springing for a nice resort for the first few days on the... Continue Reading →

f(w)rst date – well, the food was good.

but i mean how SAD can you be when you have besties who will hike and look at leaves for caterpillar eggs with you? I used to honor Valentine’s Day I was single by celebrating Singles Awareness Day - S.A.D.... Continue Reading →

flashing numbers

i'm sure i'm not the only almost 40-something out there noticing they not only got infected with, but might have also gained the covid-19 in the last three years, and have been trying to work it off. as hong kong... Continue Reading →

EleFUNt times in Laos

One of the big desires we had when booking Laos was to visit an ethical elephant sanctuary to spend time close to these majestic animals. I’m sure there are lots of elephants with below-level intelligence, anger issues, violent streaks, etc.,... Continue Reading →

and it’s lovely in Laos

After three years under Covid regulations, Hong Kong is finally allowing quarantine-free travel. I was thrilled to be able to travel to a new country - Laos. I didn’t know many people who had been before, and there weren’t a... Continue Reading →

the one where she teaches first grade

yes, we're still teaching in masks . . . My grandma taught first grade for over thirty years, most of it in Antioch, California at a very low-income school. Cringing, I can remember using her as “senior experience” in high... Continue Reading →

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