
Sunglasses Always Fit

no hurries, no worries


junior high

RinR: Week Without Walls

If I were to change careers (something I think all teachers consider every Monday morning), at the top of the list would be "Karaoke DJ." Beekeeper, baby goat cuddler, and sloth handler are also on the list. But karaoke is something... Continue Reading →

RinR: Roach Revenge, Hot Biscuits, Snapchat.

It took over a year, but I have finally made the most important decision a brasilera can ever make in her lifetime...yes...I have finally chosen a futebol team. After asking what the colors were and finding a somewhat form-fitting shirt that... Continue Reading →

RinR: thoughts and things

Lifehack: if you are having trouble waking up first thing in the morning, might I suggest a large cockroach in the middle of your room? Gets that blood pumping. To further add to the drama, rendering coffee obsolete, roachie could... Continue Reading →

Ligers and other Highlights of the Year

Today was my last day of my first year teaching in Brazil. This marks my fifth year of teaching, but everything about this year has been different. Here are my top moments and things that I have loved at my new... Continue Reading →

RinR: The Things You Think When Englishing.

Teaching English is funny. You do a lesson on something, say occupations. Then you start talking about uniforms and farmers in overalls and realize your students don't know much about clothing. Which is not much of a surprise, since we... Continue Reading →

TeacherDiaries: Markers, Injustice, ABCs.

I'm a pretty good teacher. My kids learn the stuff. I always have stickers in my room. And candy for my fellow teachers. I attend meetings and rarely pretend to go to the bathroom just so I can play a quick round of Trivia Crack. I answer emails. I participate in every dress-up day. But, of course, I have a few bad habits.

This Week in Things

Without hesitation - "I never rob banks. Or see dragons." #teachinglife

mission to me

I'm sharing in Chapel next week. Our theme is "Missionaries" and mission trips have completely shaped my life for the last seventeen years. In case some of you don't know the story, I thought I'd practice my chapel share a bit here.... Continue Reading →

TeacherDiaries: Mondays

I look forward to Mondays. I look forward to the challenges I will face with my students. To the words I will discover they don't know and figuring out a meaningful way to act them out and a poster I... Continue Reading →

RacheltoRio: An Update, a Lock In, a Schedule.

Today I celebrate one month in Rio! And I am happy and I am at peace. It's not all rainbows and caipirihnas and capybaras, but I'm content for the first time in a year. I haven't cried in a month, which is a record... Continue Reading →

I’m home. :)

Eight days, nine states, four thousand miles. Countless bathroom breaks. Countless "absolutely never driving through Texas again" comments. Countless coffees. But we made it home. Seghs, driving companion extraordinaire, landed on a Friday afternoon, documented here. I slept about two hours... Continue Reading →

My Pirate Joke Collection

As a recovering junior high teacher, I have a vast collection of kids jokes I can use on demand, mostly whenever I had lost control of the class or the lesson was terrible or I was having a bad day,... Continue Reading →

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