
Sunglasses Always Fit

no hurries, no worries



a wrap on the 2023 season

rachel, christmas 1985 the philosopher ferris bueller once said - life moves pretty fast. i can/can't believe i'm sitting here at my parents house, puppies warming my feet, rain on the tin roof, a drink poured but no makeup and... Continue Reading →

Utah – it’s Famtastic.

When you’re almost forty, sometimes it feels weird explaining the branches where your family tree split as a child and why you are posting pictures with gorgeous young men while hiking in exotic locations (if only because I get questions... Continue Reading →

16-18: AITA??, goodbyes, being Auntie Rachie.

The one where I realize I am a bit of an asshole.  In which I arrange for an "end of the year" staff photo, and arrive late. You might know the thread on Reddit (a popular online forum for... Continue Reading →

to tugboats

Press play. Simply to see something different than the 150 square feet of studio I call home, I booked a hotel. I wanted to soak in a bubble bath and order room service and wear nothing but a robe for... Continue Reading →

swf iso: encounters of any kind

my first picture living in a foreign country. Rio. I’ve lived abroad for seven years now, and have usually made it home to California once or twice each year during that time. During my brief annual returns to my old... Continue Reading →

more new normals.

my work from home situation. not pictured - leggings on the bottom. Current status: spent the day wandering an island and now feeling the “singles tax” of getting a sunburn in the places my arms couldn’t reach on my shoulders... Continue Reading →

and back again we go . . .

One of the nicest things about right now is that I’m wearing a sweatshirt. Summers in the Bay Area are lovely - hot during the day but dipping at night. I was in the pool a few hours ago, but... Continue Reading →

Day 77: The sky is falling but earth still spins

One of the odd experiences of living away from home for any length of time is the childlike, subconscious thought that the world stops in your absence, and realizing that no, it does not. Life continues in very normal ways,... Continue Reading →

here we are.

(To set the mood, play “Piano Man” by Billy Joel and wear sweatpants while reading this, because that’s where I was when writing this.) (also eat goldfish crackers. It adds a special something.) After three delightful whirlwind weeks in the... Continue Reading →

Coming Home-ish

home is sitting in the backseat while my dog helps my grandma drive. I’ve lived abroad for five years (six if you count the flash year I lived in North Carolina (much of the South could qualify as another country,... Continue Reading →

700 days in HK

totally mesmerized by this sunrise as we landed in SFO To celebrate my 700th day of living in Hong Kong, I left! I hadn't been home to California since last summer and I felt it in my bones. The last... Continue Reading →

birthdays, how to friend, first dates, ritz crackers. days

Feb 21 - Day Eleven - Happy birthday, Jenna! "isn't she perdy" - said in grandma great voice It’s my sister’s birthday today! She’s celebrating in Seattle with our aunts and cousins. Family birthdays are something I always miss about... Continue Reading →

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