
Sunglasses Always Fit

no hurries, no worries


how girls work

R2HK: making my way downtown

The last few days have been full of firsts. Flew to Asia for the first time. First time living in a big city with buildings so tall I actually don’t know what the weather is until I get down to... Continue Reading →

manifesting ideal husbands, dentists, hong kong

A few years ago, when I thought being upset about not yet being married should start in your early twenties, a friend told me that a great exercise would be to ‘manifest’ my destiny and challenge God by making a... Continue Reading →

therapy: the gym and a crush

It's been so long that I'm not sure. Maybe they do it differently these days, and I've been out of the game an age, but . . . there is a strong possibility I have been flirted with. Lemme 'splain.... Continue Reading →

saying goodbye and a bit about why and how i’ve depressed.

"How was it?" Everyone wants to know. "Was it hard to say goodbye?" "What do you miss already? What will you miss?" Well. Every part was the worst part, actually. I was saying 'goodbye' to many things and people I'm... Continue Reading →

Tried a Little Tinderness . . .

"YAAAAAY MY FAVORITE DAY EVER - February 14th!!! I wish this day was 36 hours long!!!!" said no single girl in the history of American Valentine's Day. Which I looked up. This day was started a while ago. It sucked... Continue Reading →

Single Challenge

You may have seen these Facebook "challenges" circulating - people 'daring' each other to celebrate their spouses or their children, then tag other people. It's a subtle way to validate what most people are already doing; posting really cute pictures and adorable... Continue Reading →

RinR: Living the Dream

Highlights of the week: Tomorrow is May the Fourth be with you day and I am having a CRISIS because my Star Wars sweater has some holiday-shenanigans stains on it...I wore it so much at home that I think I... Continue Reading →

time capsule: flirty-two

I've spun around the sun another 365.25 blessed days, and it's time to recognize. Seeing growth in yourself is important. And makes you laugh. I highly recommend. In fact, if you want to comment with your answers to some of these... Continue Reading →

RinR: assessing and accepting the unavoidable

eeeeep. It's coming. My birthday. 32. Thirty TWO. Like, really thirty, now. No going back. I never accidentally say an age starting with twenty anymore. Actually, these days, when asked how old I am, I usually first say "how old... Continue Reading →

RinR: Living the Dream

What do you say when people ask you how you are? I always say "living the dream." The other day I said this and the friend who had asked me how I was burst into laughter. "Rachel! Whose dream?" she... Continue Reading →

RinR: thoughts and things and dating

I found it kind of odd - sweet, to be sure, and lovely - to get so much feedback from my last post, a letter to my ex on his birthday, and I was wondering why people like reading about... Continue Reading →

RinR: This Week in Thoughts and Things

It's Brazilian Independence Day tomorrow....which is also USA Labor Day. Which is nice because that means roughly 75% of the people I know in the world will have the day off of work. We wanted to bbq but the weather... Continue Reading →

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