
Sunglasses Always Fit

no hurries, no worries



RinR: The Facebook “Shared Memories” Thing, and other thoughts if I get there.

I can't decide my feelings towards Facebook's flashback feature. Like so many updates over the years, I feel it snuck up on me one day, the way the newsfeed and political garbage (if this Donald Trump madness persists I am moving... Continue Reading →

RinR: Back in Action

It's a profound moment when you move somewhere and subconsciously start calling that place "home." During the five weeks I was in the States, my home base was my parents' house in the Bay Area. I hung up some clothes... Continue Reading →

My Facebook Pledge of Baby Goats, Food, Sunshine, etc.

I like attention (pretend to be surprised). I love making people laugh and feel loved, I've got a reaction to or opinion about almost anything, I make a lot of noise. So Facebook is really exciting place for me. It's amazing... Continue Reading →

about being single on valentines day.

Normally in the States, I'm so jacked up on conversation hearts that I can be pretty numb to the pain of being single on Valentines Day. And every day. All day. Because it is. It's okay to love being single to celebrate the heck out of it, and to also acknowledge that it can be really, really hard.

The (not so) Glamorous Life

I live in one of the most beautiful, sexy, energetic places in the world. However, it is a Saturday night*, and I am currently sitting in my living room, in stained yoga pants that have never once yoga-ed, in the... Continue Reading →

2013 in Statii, and where Rachel Realizes She’s Happy

Lists are a great way to wrap things up at the end of the year. I don't have anything cool like "The Most Important Hedgehogs of 2013," and Buzzfeed probably already has it, but I like to wrap ish up... Continue Reading →

15 Ways to Survive the Holidays When You’re Newly Single

John Mayer has this song called "St. Patrick's Day." The chorus goes like this: No way November will see our goodbye. When it comes to December, it's obvious why. No one wants to be alone at Christmas time. And come... Continue Reading →

Weekly Win(e)d Up

Favorite Moment: I just had a truly glorious, free, loud, relieving sneeze. It made me so happy. If I could do that every hour, on the hour…nay, if the whole world could feel such joy in a sneeze, we would... Continue Reading →

7 Steps to Write a Viral Post (This is not sarcastic.)

Step One: Choose your title. I have collected all that remains of titles from the internet. Simply choose one and fill in the blanks. It's kind of like Madlibs. Insert a number, insert a noun. Tip - no one likes... Continue Reading →

Bucket List : Going to a Movie by Myself (Not so bad, turns out)

In my opinion, bucket lists should be composed of equal parts fears you want to overcome, places and things you want to do, and things you have to work hard towards. According to a thirty second google search, people have... Continue Reading →

Guide for Guys: What Girls Post Online

The problem with social media is we believe what we see. Via Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, etc., we form opinions of each other. In a more devious and dangerous vein, we work to form others' opinions of ourselves. We post... Continue Reading →

For a boy. A Series. Part One.

His name was Aaron. Something about the way that he debated with our Global Studies 101 professor made me all twitter pated. Later that week, biking out to Sandspit Beach, I pedaled past him and a friend. He was as... Continue Reading →

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