
Sunglasses Always Fit

no hurries, no worries



Rachel to Rio – 61 Days

I have an app on my phone called "Days Until" and it does a little countdown until an important event. I like to stay up until at least midnight every night so I can refresh it and see another day... Continue Reading →

The Anti-Bucket List

You're familiar with the concept of the bucket list - the list of goals or dreams, serious or frivolous, you wish to accomplish before you "kick the bucket." I myself have a "thirtyx30" list of things I'd like to get... Continue Reading →

In my Life, I’m going to Carolina…Moving for a Boy. A Series. Part 3.

If you asked us how BF and I met, we would each have different stories. Both stories are funny, but what matters is that almost a year ago today, we decided we wanted to be together. A year later, we've... Continue Reading →

My Rules for Life.

Rule number 1: When a friend gets engaged, congratulate them, buy yourself flowers and wine. Salute to love. Rule number 2: Pick a color that is your favorite color. It's kind of like your spirit animal. Mine is yellow. Always... Continue Reading →

Teacher Diaries: Miss W is Missing!

Easily the most fun I've had this year as a teacher was in looking over this "assignment" I created when I had a sub come in. I asked the students to create "Missing" posters for me, and with a description,... Continue Reading →

A Time Capsule of the Year

I've kept a diary most of my life, the last few year's have been a public one on this blog and others. I don't know if it's the new Pinterest habit that's gotten me thinking so craftily, but I thought... Continue Reading →

VS Panties War: Dear Parents – What?!?

This will tick people off. But. As anti-corporation, cynical, Christian and "good" as I can be, as someone who works with youth of all ages, I've got to say something. No doubt by now you've seen something about the backlash... Continue Reading →

My big “Unfriend on Facebook” Adventure

What makes a "friend?" How do we stay in contact with them? We live in an age with "followers" on instagram, twitter, tumblr, Pinterest, and social media that require absolutely no personal knowledge of or physical, live contact with another... Continue Reading →

Being Sick and Stuff

Being sick is a pain. But there are also parts of it I enjoy in some sort of sadistic way. I've been feeling icky since about Tuesday night; headache, and that feeling you get where your brain is fuzzy, body feels... Continue Reading →

I is Kind. I is Smart. I is Important.

When you're a child, you spend most of your time drawing attention to yourself. From your parents, siblings, friends. I teach junior high, and the whole thing is one big competition. It's all "look at me and what I did!"... Continue Reading →

domestic fail (304)

i've lived out of my parents' house for the better part of ten years, and think i do pretty well. but there are things that I completely fail at, and generally all the female roommates i have ever known fail at,... Continue Reading →

Teacher Diaries: “I like the new teacher girl.” (286)

I made it through my first week of special ed summer school, and as a reward, came down with a case of strep throat. (Side note: if you need a new diet trick, google images for "strep throat." Appetite will... Continue Reading →

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