
Sunglasses Always Fit

no hurries, no worries



R2HK: making my way downtown

The last few days have been full of firsts. Flew to Asia for the first time. First time living in a big city with buildings so tall I actually don’t know what the weather is until I get down to... Continue Reading →

saying goodbye and a bit about why and how i’ve depressed.

"How was it?" Everyone wants to know. "Was it hard to say goodbye?" "What do you miss already? What will you miss?" Well. Every part was the worst part, actually. I was saying 'goodbye' to many things and people I'm... Continue Reading →

RinR: savannah, interviews, eritrea, etc.

"Flaming Hot Cheetos, tampons, Pumpkin Spice lattes, salsa, post-it notes..." I drawled on to the women behind the reception at the hotel I was staying at. Their eyes got bigger and bigger as I listed the things I would be... Continue Reading →

RinR: Living the Dream

Highlights of the week: Today I asked cute munchkin Julia to count from 1-10 for me. She paused and then said "MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursday." Also, I was helping a student who, God bless his heart, has been exposed to four languages and has a host of... Continue Reading →

RinR: twas Perutiful, but it’s good to be home.

That first Qtip after coming back from a long week away, am I right? My leg kicked like a dog getting a belly rub. I'm back from the four-day conference in Lima. My American curriculum international Christian school in Brazil... Continue Reading →

RinR: important, but not urgent things, somewhat done

I'm sure someone somewhere has already, but I feel compelled to write a "guide to feeling like you're living in a foreign country, according to someone who is doing an okay job at it, with input from others, who are... Continue Reading →

RinR: This Week in Thoughts and Things

So at work the other day, someone asked if they could use the space in my class to dry some things they were painting. "Of course," I said. I came back to find my floor covered with these, no explanation.... Continue Reading →

RinR: Snoop, Big Jesus, Futebol, and inappropriate songs.

Oi. I just had the best weekend ever. Like, super Brazilian adventure weekend: Almost died in a taxi, got nauseous on a bus ride, was heckled on the street, saw a monkey, sweated out my eyeballs, was in the middle... Continue Reading →

Ligers and other Highlights of the Year

Today was my last day of my first year teaching in Brazil. This marks my fifth year of teaching, but everything about this year has been different. Here are my top moments and things that I have loved at my new... Continue Reading →

RinR: This Week with no Walls

You might have notice a flurry of photos frolicking afross my facebook dash last feek. It was "Week Without Walls" at my school, where someone who probably has never had to chaperone a field trip decided that Kinder-2nd graders should totally go on field trips for four consecutive days and then top it off with a sleepover at school.

RinR: The Things You Think When Englishing.

Teaching English is funny. You do a lesson on something, say occupations. Then you start talking about uniforms and farmers in overalls and realize your students don't know much about clothing. Which is not much of a surprise, since we... Continue Reading →

TeacherDiaries: Gas, Oasis, Accidental Sex Ed

I had my flatulent little princess first thing this morning. She was sitting in my lap and we were playing sentence-building games when she ripped a glorious one that vibrated my legs. I'm serious. My thighs jiggled.

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