
Sunglasses Always Fit

no hurries, no worries


how women work

What to do if you ask a woman if she’s pregnant and she says “no.” And other times you made a mistake. And some things I wanted to say.

So, you’ve just met someone, you’re not close, and you have no reason to know if they’re pregnant or not. Or married or not. Or happy or not. Or want to be any of those things. Or what their life... Continue Reading →

r2HK: Love me, Tinder

Disclaimer: This post was written under the influence of a wine-soaked happy hour with a friend going through a break-up, end of the school year exhaustion, Hong Kong humidity permeating my already scrambled brain, and "Benny and the Jets" on... Continue Reading →

34: hashtag blessed

For the last few years, I have written birthday blog posts filling out the same set of questions each time, so I can look back each year and feel what it was to be me in that moment. A time... Continue Reading →

R2HK: making my way downtown

The last few days have been full of firsts. Flew to Asia for the first time. First time living in a big city with buildings so tall I actually don’t know what the weather is until I get down to... Continue Reading →

therapy: hit and run/walk/get outside

I move to Hong Kong in two weeks, so it is entirely reasonable that people are starting to ask me if I'm ready. The short answer is "no." The long answer is "NoooooOOOOOooooOOOOOOOOooooo." There are about a million things to... Continue Reading →

manifesting ideal husbands, dentists, hong kong

A few years ago, when I thought being upset about not yet being married should start in your early twenties, a friend told me that a great exercise would be to ‘manifest’ my destiny and challenge God by making a... Continue Reading →

therapy: the gym and a crush

It's been so long that I'm not sure. Maybe they do it differently these days, and I've been out of the game an age, but . . . there is a strong possibility I have been flirted with. Lemme 'splain.... Continue Reading →

33 – the year of promise (i hope)

I’ve spun around the sun another 365.25 blessed days, and something about this number feels magical. Feels important. Feels like I probably should be doing more than shacking up at my parents, funemployed, with dogs for best friends. But I'm... Continue Reading →

saying goodbye and a bit about why and how i’ve depressed.

"How was it?" Everyone wants to know. "Was it hard to say goodbye?" "What do you miss already? What will you miss?" Well. Every part was the worst part, actually. I was saying 'goodbye' to many things and people I'm... Continue Reading →

Tried a Little Tinderness . . .

"YAAAAAY MY FAVORITE DAY EVER - February 14th!!! I wish this day was 36 hours long!!!!" said no single girl in the history of American Valentine's Day. Which I looked up. This day was started a while ago. It sucked... Continue Reading →

RinR: savannah, interviews, eritrea, etc.

"Flaming Hot Cheetos, tampons, Pumpkin Spice lattes, salsa, post-it notes..." I drawled on to the women behind the reception at the hotel I was staying at. Their eyes got bigger and bigger as I listed the things I would be... Continue Reading →

Turns out it takes a monthish to write a blog when you are depressed.

This isn't the first time I've gone through a few months of feelings that feel bigger than I can manage. But I am growing, because I figured out that for me, I can decide that no one gets to steal... Continue Reading →

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