
Sunglasses Always Fit

no hurries, no worries




A note - the soundtrack to this is - "Always on my Mind" by Willie Nelson, "Anytime" by Brian McKnight, and "All I Can Think About is You" by Coldplay. flowers, because thinking of you. Maybe you’ve seen that post... Continue Reading →

Home: noun; whenever I’m with you.

The end of a school year is always bittersweet - saying goodbye to colleagues moving on or away, cleaning out classrooms, changing year groups. It’s especially challenging when you teach in an international school and city because people - both... Continue Reading →

EleFUNt times in Laos

One of the big desires we had when booking Laos was to visit an ethical elephant sanctuary to spend time close to these majestic animals. I’m sure there are lots of elephants with below-level intelligence, anger issues, violent streaks, etc.,... Continue Reading →

the one where she travels

*goes on a trip to a foreign country and comes back wanting to show you pictures of the cats she saw* "What's up, I'm Rachel." I haven’t been in a serious relationship with something besides a bread recipe or tv... Continue Reading →

Nine Shocks of Culture

if you know you know Whenever I come back to California, what I consider home-home, people always ask me what’s different. To say “just about everything” would be a cop-out, and not exactly true. I’ve lived abroad for almost a... Continue Reading →

r2hk: lessons and blessings

I’ve asked Google many a thing - “how do you bake chicken” “which one is cabbage and which is lettuce” “what does an eclipse mean.” But perhaps the most humbling thing I’ve ever thrown out to the universe was what... Continue Reading →

R2HK: a helluva start

“So, something I didn’t mention before is that I actually hate birds. I think they are stupid and I am scared of birds. Anyway, let’s go look at about a million of them.” That was my opening line as I... Continue Reading →

a hundred days searching for ‘home’ in hk

I have an app that feeds into a quirky obsession of mine - knowing exactly how many days it has been since my definition of major life events have occurred and how many days until the next one. This makes... Continue Reading →

HongKongmedy of Errors

What follows is an account of most of the things that have gone wrong or I have done wrong here in HK so far. It's long because. I'm me. But also funny. Bc me. So picture this - it’s 6am,... Continue Reading →

therapy: a one way ticket. dogs.

The pictures confirmed the image I was forming of just how much smaller and more compact my life was going to be living in Hong Kong. They showed a tiny furnished bedroom, and a living room you could juuuust about... Continue Reading →

RinR: Adventure is always out there

Warning: a blog such as this will make you ask yourself - "is there anything Rachel won't blog about?" The short answer is no, not if there is a funny story to tell. Happy Hallowiener everyone! Happy November! Happy almost... Continue Reading →

RinR: What a Hoot Canal

Here's the joke - in Portuguese, the letter r is pronounced like an "h" in most cases. My name is Hawk-elle here. That's how I sign most of my correspondence, actually. So last night I went to the dentist, in... Continue Reading →

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